这一部展现的官场结构,领导凛然的讲话和列车员四处奔走的画面互相切换,充溢着令人反胃的幻觉 So when you are in pain out there on this mountain, I want you to remember, so is the guy next you and the guy in front of you. This is gonna come down to which runners can handle the pain, so I want you to look them, and I want you to look at each other and ask yourself, 'who's tougher?'. 除了电影中一些情节的不合常理以及其他评论提到的抄袭,我觉得这部电影的立意很好!动物们和妈宝齐心协力和最后布鲁斯决定牺牲自己的地方很感动!(个人看法:小女孩说动物爱人类,它们不应该爱人类,像布鲁斯之类的家养宠物,会爱人类可能是因为妈宝一家对它很好,而像队长之类的海洋动物或其它野生动物,人类对它们做的大多数只有伤害,它们不应该爱人类,不应该对人类放下防备,因为确实有捕杀者利用某些动物不主动攻击人类的性格而肆意捕杀。