张智霖太耐人儿了~=v= 就是配音不大给力…… 另外原来双侠是这部的主题曲啊,MV都快被做烂了
3.最佳台词:”I like watching you die, because I can bring you back to life.”浪漫且铺垫剧情,一语双关
真爱至上是为数不多的几部出现那么多的人物,我却每个人都记得很清晰的电影了,即使是14年后,老了的,长大的,也瞬间在脑袋浮现出当年的造型。2020年是个很奇特的一年,我得复述下休格兰特的台词,Times for many people have got harder,and people are nervous and fearful.And its not just in politics being tough....Harry Potter flim is finished....whenever you see tragedy, you see bravly too.Whenever you see ordinary people in need,you see extraordinary ordinary people come to the aid.Love is all around.